Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just To Brief You On Who I Am

My name is Adanna. Ada for short. If you reognize the name from Igbo tribe in Nigeria then CONGRATULATIONS, you're correct. That's what i am. A simple Igbo girl living in California right now missing the hell out of her country. I'm 19 as of today but i turn 20 September 10. 

Wow! 20 years no be small thing. And if you recognize that as Pidgin English then you are also correct. I taught myself. The truth is i am completely immersed and obsessed with my country. It's simply where i belong. In my case you can take the girl out of the village (though i reside in Aba for the most part when i'm there) but you can never take the spirit of the village out of her. I could have everything taken away from me today and be sent to the village for years and years and honestly i would be fine with it. I'm just common. I guess there isn't much that is special about me. Though i'm sure those who are close to me will beg to differ.

Let me be real with you all. I'm a very simple girl.I like to shop and do everything most girls like to do but deep down they aren't necessities. If you told me that the only shopping i could do for the rest of my life would be for my children then i would deal with it. I adapt. I'm a pushover. People walk over me all the time. "Oh Ada you're so beautiful", "Oh Ada, any man would be happy to have you", "Oh Ada, you are beauty itself", "Oh Flo, you are DEFINITELY going to get married first". All things i don't like hearing. 

And YES my birth name is Florence, Ada by default. I'll get into that another day.

I see myself in a very pathetic situation these days. You see all those things i've been told. But things have happened that make me feel as if i'm not worthy. It's like guy's meet me and they love everything about me then eventually i just become boring to them or they lose interest. Or sometimes both.Either way, one or the other happens. To anyone that's reading this please understand that i'm not mad. I'm just frustrated. Why at 19 should i worry that i won't find a husband. I mean seriously am i born in the right time?

Anyways i've left that to God. I just want a solid relationship with Him. That's all that matters right now and that's all i actually crave. 
Ada will you ever be enough for somebody to not get bored of you? Is it a sin that i don't give up on the person that i would like to be in a relationship?

Anyways, it's 11:59....enough for today....

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